January 10, 2017 Addie K Martin

Building Ease Into Workflow

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In today’s fast-paced work environment, both the demands and the stakes are quite high. Everyone seems to be working at a break-neck pace to get (and stay) ahead of the competition. Sacrifices are made far and wide in the name of profitability, growth, and the greater good. While all of these things are necessary, it’s also important to have a bit of ease and space in your workday as well. While many of us can sustain a super-fast pace for a while, all of us need a break at some point or we ourselves will break. That’s just how it goes.

If you’d like to keep working in a fast-paced environment but need a bit of ease to be introduced into your workday, try one (or more!) of these methods:


Too often the benefits of simplifying are overlooked in favor of some grand, sweeping solution. The secret is that by simplifying, you can still end up with a grand, sweeping change. It’s just that it happens slowly and more sustainably. The first step to simplifying is tackling the top of your desk: file the papers, organize what’s left, and remove what’s unnecessary. It’s amazing how a clear desk can help induce a clear mind and increase focus and ease. After that, tackle things like your in-box, your processes, or even your overall approach to work. Take your time and be deliberate in what you want and need.


With so many outsourcing options, why are you still doing certain things in house? Take records retrieval, for example. A company like ours—The Records Company—can complete retrieval related tasks in a shorter time frame for a fraction of the cost. Let us do for you what we do best so you can focus on your primary job responsibilities. We can help build ease into your work life. It’s why we exist. Other routine tasks to consider outsourcing are non-disclosure agreements, basic contracts, client file management, bookkeeping/billing, marketing, and IT services.

Work From Home

If your firm allows it, take advantage! Working from home one day per week can not only save you time in commuting but can also provide a quiet, distraction-free environment for deep work. On your work from home day, no one will randomly drop into your office unannounced. Your desk phone will not be ringing. It can be just you and your laptop, knocking out important work. Note that it might take a little time to properly set yourself up for working from home but the advantages will outweigh the set up time and effort. Bonus: try working from home on Fridays as a way to ease into the weekend after finishing up your day’s work.


Building ease into your work life may seem difficult to do at first but once you get started, you’ll be amazed at how much it improves your situation. Taking things slowly, step by step, can make a huge difference in the end. Not sure where to start? Start with us. Let us handle your records retrieval needs. You can sign up for a free account here and take it from there. Have questions? We’re here for you. Contact us or look us up on social media. We’re available, and we’re ready to help.
