April 10, 2018 Amanda Smith

Going Greener with Records Retrieval

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As Spring arrives in the northern hemisphere—even though it may not feel that way further north in the hemisphere—our thoughts turn to all the natural beauty coming to life before our eyes. This time of year often renews our focus on sustainability and efforts to preserve that natural beauty.

The push for office spaces and organizations to go green, or greener, is nothing new. Firms are looking at their physical facilities, building or renovating spaces to provide better outdoor access and energy efficiency. New construction is a radical change, but many offices and organizations promote sustainability with recycling programs, using supplies made from recycled materials, encouraging reusable coffee cups and water bottles, purchasing sustainably sourced non-toxic cleaning supplies, and providing incentives for energy conservation, among other options. These measures are cost efficient in themselves and tend to create a healthier, more productive workforce.

Paper usage is a special concern for public and private organizations because they generate a lot of paperwork by their very nature. Each office worker in the United States uses an average 10,000 sheets of paper per year, with offices spending about $120 million per year on printed forms. Obviously, it makes a lot of sense to go paperless or reduce paper usage whenever possible ().

The Records Company plays an important role in your company’s sustainability plan by reducing some of those thousands of sheets of paper generated and consumed in your day-to-day operations. Instead of shuffling through the mountains of paper required to submit a request, you simply register and login to our online portal. We process your request electronically and retrieve your records—all paper free. When your request is fulfilled, we store the records on our secure servers, so you only print the hard copies you need. Going green is a process in which small changes add up to big results, and The Records Company provides one change that can contribute to a greener office right away.

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