August 15, 2018 Amanda Smith

Why You Need a Vacation

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It’s already the middle of August. You have a little more than two weeks until Labor Day, aka the unofficial end of Summer, aka peak vacation season. If you haven’t taken a vacation yet, we get it. More than half the United States workforce doesn’t use their vacation days at all, mostly because they fear they may be replaced or because they insist their workload is just too heavy to leave it for an extended period. Furthermore, our culture encourages putting work first, so it’s easy to feel guilty for taking time away, even when the logistics are fine.

These are valid concerns, but the benefits of taking a vacation are also valid. We all need time to unplug.

Vacation is Good for Your Health

It’s no secret too much work creates stress, and stress is bad for your physical and mental health. Chronic stress contributes to a host of ailments, either because the stress magnifies existing problems or because we turn to bad habits, such as overeating, drinking too much, or smoking, to cope. Workers who use their vacation days regularly tend to cope more effectively. They sleep better. They reduce their risk of depression and chronic anxiety and report reduced physical pain. Heart disease is most frequently linked with stress, and studies have shown workers who take regular vacations have significantly lower risk of heart attacks than those who usually skip vacations. Low stress equals better overall health and wellbeing, and vacations are an important way to reduce stress significantly.

Vacation is Good for Your Relationships

Vacationing with family and friends also strengthens the bonds of those existing relationships. Sharing experiences allows humans to bond closely with one another. While a well-planned vacation is ideal for reducing stress, even mishaps can benefit families and friends who overcome challenges together. However the vacation ultimately turns out, you have stories and memories to share for years to come.

Vacation time can also benefit your relationships beyond your immediate circle. People who take regular vacations tend to be happier, filled with joy from their adventures and boasting a calm state of mind because they’ve taken a break from their stress. They have interesting stories about the places they’ve been and the things they’ve done, and they’re more open to new experiences and empathetic to others. Travel is good for us. These are the types of people others are drawn to and want to emulate. You could be one of those people.

Vacation is Good for Your Work

If you’re worried that taking time away from work will adversely affect your career prospects, studies show the opposite is true. Most employers notice an uptick in creativity and focus in workers returning from vacation. Your energy levels are higher. You bring a relaxed state of mind that makes you more personable. These factors all contribute to better productivity, which employers notice. A recent study from Project: Time Off showed workers who took regular vacations were 18% more likely to be promoted than their non-vacationing counterparts. The survey also showed more than half the respondents who travel for leisure report higher levels of satisfaction with their jobs and their companies.

Make It Happen

Summer isn’t the only time you can vacation, of course. You can travel any time of year you like. To ensure you have time for vacation and don’t fall behind in your workload, it makes sense to delegate some parts of your workflow and outsource some tasks. If records retrieval is one of those tasks, we’re here to help. While you relax in the sand with a slushy beverage, we keep working to be sure the records you need are waiting when you return. Register with us or give us a call to find out more about what we can do for you.

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