June 29, 2018 Amanda Smith

Hidden Benefits of Outsourcing Records Retrieval

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At The Records Company, we work tirelessly to save our customers time and money. Most importantly, we negotiate the lowest possible fee for every record we retrieve. Outsourcing records retrieval with us also saves you time and money in ways you may not have considered.

Saving on Labor

To retrieve records or to address other specialized tasks, you need people to do those tasks. That leaves you with two options: either hire more staff to cover these tasks or assign these tasks to your existing staff. Whichever option you choose, labor is costly. You’re either paying more salaries, paying staff for more hours, or missing opportunities so you can keep up with the workload you already have.

As a time-consuming process requiring specialized knowledge, records retrieval leaves you particularly vulnerable to higher labor costs. Your employees will require training and face a learning curve because procedures vary with the types of records you need and where the records are located. The Records Company already has the expertise you need, saving you the costs of hiring and training new personnel.

Saving on Infrastructure

The cost of bringing on new employees doesn’t end with their salaries and benefits. New hires need space to work and equipment for the job. Desks and computers aren’t massive expenses, but adding office space can be. You may save money on office equipment by reassigning existing staff to retrieve records, but you’ll still need storage space for paperwork or server space for electronic records.

Because The Records Company receives and processes your records retrieval requests through our online portal, we save you the costs of additional physical space to process and transmit these documents yourself. Because we store your records in our own secure servers, you don’t need to make additional investments to store your records securely. We do that for you.

Improving Stability

Hiring or reassigning staff comes with the direct costs of labor and equipment, but personnel changes also carry indirect costs. Consider what happens if you bring on additional staff or reassign staff to retrieve records during a particularly busy period. When that busy period ends you may let the new hires go or move the reassigned staff back to other tasks. These kinds of changes to the organization’s dynamic affect efficiency. People prefer stability. Employees are more productive when they feel secure in their positions and have a consistent job description.

Outsourcing records retrieval to The Records Company keeps your core staff intact and harmonious. You use our services only when you need them, so your organization remains stable and efficient.

Maintaining Morale

A stable workplace boosts morale, as does employee enthusiasm for the work they’re doing. At The Records Company, we love retrieving records. The process of tracking down documents and negotiating the fine points of retrieval appeals to our attention to detail and passion for customer service.

Records retrieval plays to our strengths, but everyone has different strengths and interests. By outsourcing records retrieval to us, you allow your staff to spend more time playing to their strengths. When people feel they’re doing meaningful work, the quality of the work remains high. Morale is good for productivity, and it is a key component of employee retention. Keeping your staff on board saves you the long-term costs of hiring and training replacements.

Keeping the Ball Moving

When lower operating costs and higher morale combine they build a more efficient and profitable organization. Outsourcing records retrieval is really all about keeping your firm running smoothly. Our sharp focus on our mission allows you to keep a sharp focus on yours.

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